Going with the latest trend in lip color may not always be your best option. Just because, say, blue lipstick is in fashion for the current moment, does not mean it will look good on you! Below I will list some tips and tricks on not only finding the best lip color for you, but tricks to make your lips look fuller and ways to keep your lip color lasting longer.
One trick to fuller looking lips is using a white pencil (Eyeliner…not one you draw with!) You simply color in the middle portion of the top and bottom part of your lips with the pencil. You then apply colored liner to the corners of your lips and then blend them together. Apply gloss, and you’re done!
Pull down your bottom lip….look at the color. The color you see of the inside is your perfect nude color for liipstick!
Exfoliate your lips! This is important. You don’t want your lips peeling with dry, chapped skin, and your lipstick will have a difficult time adhering to your lips. You can do this in a few different ways. You can use a product especially made for this, or you can take some brown sugar and rub it into your damp lips. Simply take a washcloth, and rub the mixture off. You can also use a toothbrush! Take the toothbrush and rub it lightly back and forth against your lips. You will not only flake off the dry parts, but your lips will get that rosy glow, due to the blood circulation.
Stay hydrated. You know how important it is to stay hydrated for keeping your skin healthy, right? Well, the same goes for your lips. They will chap and flake due to lack of hydration. Start drinking lots of water!
Want your lips to look pouty? Put a lighter color lipstick in the center of your bottom lip. Press your lips together, and boom! Instant pout!
Over line your lips. This will make your lips look fuller sans lip injections. A trick is to apply either foundation or concealer over your lips. This will blur the line between your lips and your face. Trace your lips with lip liner, lightly going beyond your actual lip line. You can now either fill in your lips with your lipstick or continue to fill in the entire lip with lip liner. Either add gloss or let it be.
Try a “plumping” lipstick. These usually contain peppermint oil. This ingredient will naturally plump the lip.
One last trick is when you contour, place a bit of contour under your lipline on your bottom lip. This will give the illusion of fuller lips!
Christine Marie