Hi there! I am Christine Marie Reynolds! I wear a few “hats”…. I’m a wife and mom, a certified travel consultant, and a certified marketing coach/consultant.
You see, I have always wanted to contribute something to my household income. Being a stay at home mom for years, which I was lucky to be able to do, I always felt like I wasn’t contributing enough. I wanted to do more…..explore more in this world. I wanted to own my own business, make my own hours, and not have to answer to anyone but myself.
One day, I was watching a video. Tuned in again, watched again. This kept going on for a couple of weeks. I’m thinking to myself….”How can this mom be able to stay home, make her own schedule AND make money doing it?!” Inquiring minds
want to know, and I did just that….INQUIRED!
I got my answers and decided that I was going to start my own travel consultant business. Let me tell you….Once I dove in and started my business I was hooked and have not turned back.
Moral of the story, TAKE THAT CHANCE. It can be done. If you love travel, like to help people , and get paid to do it. Why not start your own business, let me know! I will be here to guide you every step of the way.